Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Introverted or Shy?

Many times, being an introvert is confused with being shy. The two are in fact very different ideas, however, many people do possess both traits.

In general, I usually hear shyness described as a sort of social anxiety- a shy person avoids interaction because they are afraid (of being judged or embarrassing themselves, maybe). Someone who is simply introverted does not necessarily have that anxiety. If they avoid social interaction, it is usually because they do not want it and do not like too much of it. Of course, many people have both traits. And some people who are shy might actually crave interaction with others more than a plain-old introvert does- but their fear holds them back.

But my question is this- can society's general lack of acceptance for introversion cause some people to exhibit "shy" qualities, like anxiety or an outward lack of confidence? I can't speak on this issue for anyone except myself, but I do think this has been an issue for me personally.

For most of my life, I have been labeled as "shy" by others. I never had more than a few friends at any one time, didn't like talking to strangers, tended to be very quiet in group settings and never went to parties. And for many years, I got the feeling that there was something wrong with me because I did all of these things. People who don't have very many friends are weird, right? If you don't like partying, that MUST mean you just don't know how to have fun, right? Don't speak up much in class? Aww, you should be more confident! All my life, I've been hearing things like "You need to come out of your shell more," or "Speak up, no one will judge you here!" and "Don't be so shy!" or "You don't appear assertive enough!".

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Sorry for all of the shorter posts lately; I am going to start writing more next week. But in the mean time, I'd like us to remember for a minute the point of this holiday- to recognize our veterans past and present. I'd also  like to share one of my favorite songs which I think is appropriate to this occasion. It's called "Soldiers", by my favorite band, ABBA:

Enjoy! Happy Memorial Day to all:)

-The Introvert

Saturday, May 25, 2013

TED Talk With Susan Cain.

Some of you have probably already seen this, but in case you haven't, I highly recommend that you watch it. It is a TED Talk by Susan Cain, who is a writer and a major introvert advocate:)

Here is the link:

This 20-ish minute video was already so inspiring to me. I can't wait to go out and get her book- hope they have it at my school's library! I'm so glad there are people like her who are exposing the problems introverts face in our culture.

xoxo, The Introvert

Friday, May 24, 2013

My Irrational Fear of Unexpectedly Running into Someone I Know in a Public Place.

If you have ever hidden behind a shelf in a store to avoid being seen by someone you know, then you and I have something very much in common.

I can't exactly explain why I have this crazy paranoia about running into people I know from school or wherever else in a public place. All I know is that wherever I am at the grocery store or at Target, or at Barnes and Noble (all places where I have had encounters), I am constantly checking over my shoulder for someone I recognize. Orlando is a large city, but obviously not large enough for me, considering the amount of times this has actually happened. Friends, acquaintances, classmates, teachers (!), a guy I had a crush on, you name it.

Usually, I try to hid from them and pray they don't spot me. Sometimes, if it is someone I don't know that well, we will both mutually do the thing where we pretend not to see each other. I appreciate people who do that. My family makes so much fun of me whenever I tell them stories about ducking behind a bookshelf in order to keep from being spotted. For a long time, I didn't really know why my first instinct was always to run, but over the years, I've started to figure it out.

I think in general, it has to do with my introversion. As an introvert, I need more time to process and prepare for things, especially social interactions. I don't like being caught off-guard! If I am going to class or going to hang out with friends, I have time to mentally ready myself for the interactions. I always feel as if I would have nothing to say to someone if I ran into them by accident, and indeed, I don't think I would. This may sound rude to some people, but to me, it just fits into my general belief that I do not need to talk if I have nothing to talk about! It is really fairly simple.

But of course, the paranoid in me keeps me anxious whenever I go out in public. Over winter break, I happened to run into an ex-friend (the one I wrote about here) at a restaurant. So the other day when I heard she was back in town for summer, my first thought was, "Whelp, can't leave my house for three months!"

Just kidding, of course.

Kind of.

See you soon,
The Introvert

An Introvert's Diary Pinterest Board.

Hello all,

I have been on Pinterest for a while now, and I have just created a board for pins that should be pretty relatable for fellow introverts! I will be adding to it often, so click here to follow it. I try to follow back a lot of people on Pinterest as well!:)


The Introvert